double deck trailers from novotruck

novotruck - Semi-trailers from novotruck ® inspire Sometimes size matters. . .

novotruck offer a series of semi-trailers in single-, double- and triple-axle options. These are complemented by steering and lifting systems for various configurations suited to multiple applications. Our three-, four- or five-component panels with high gloss finish guarantee very long service life and high-end appearance.

novotruck - double deck trailer discussed and ingenious

An additional plywood layer increases the impact resistance of the already extremely durable interior panelling. All impact-resistant exterior edges and all interior rub rails are made of one piece in order to increase durability and to make the vehicle impervious to moisture. Our impact-resistant exterior edges are made of high-strength aluminium profiles with powder coating which is available in various colours on request, making extra coating redundant. All wiring in the chassis is colour-coded and not coated to make it easily accessible for maintenance and repair in the long run.

Our wide range of options for rear and side doors, floor surfaces, internal panelling and additional boxes for pallets or materials transforms every semi-trailer into a purpose-built vehicle which will do its job efficiently and for a long period of time.


We use nothing but the highst quality materials to ensure a maximum of strength and durability. Ann novotruck simitrailers are build to withstand even the the hardest operational conditions.






Our profile frames are bonded throughout to prevent moisture from penetrating. The rails are powder-coated in white, if not otherwise requested.





A tuck-away tail lift makes your semi-trailer much more flexible in situations where ramps or forklifts are not available. Neatly folding away under the loadbed of the vehicle, it is completely out of the way.





The auotmatic lift axle control system reduces tire wear and the truck´s turning circle during empty runs. As soon as the vehicle is being loaded, the lift axles are lowered toincrease weight capacity, if required. Upon unloading the axles are lifted again.





We offer a drainage sysetm for transporting liquids that are not supposed to leak from the vehicle.








The everday routine of securing cargo is made a lot easier with our cargo restaint system. We offer recessed cargo restraint systems which leave more usable space and prevent damange to goods transported.



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