novotruck - environment and environmental protection
Anything that is against nature will not last in the long run.
Charles Darvin (1809 - 1882)
Man-made climate change cannot be denied.
At ever shorter intervals, crises follow, which become stronger from time to time. Water shortages, famine and war are just some of the serious consequences of climate change. For many people, fleeing is the only way to meet their basic needs.
That's why we decided a long time ago to implement many of the points that are in focus today:
Management Responsibilities
Environmental protection is an important task for us. Management and all employees are responsible. Environmental protection affects all areas of the company and is an integral part of all decisions.
Qualification and motivation of all employees
We promote environmental and health awareness and the qualification of employees at all levels through regular information and training as a basic requirement for the successful implementation of our environmental policy.
Continuous improvement
For us, the legal provisions and official requirements only represent the minimum requirements. Based on a systematic analysis of the environmental aspects, we strive for constant improvement of environmental protection beyond these requirements.
Regular self-monitoring
The application of and compliance with our environmental policy is checked by the business policy as part of the reviews and monitored by audits so that progress and weaknesses in environmental management are identified and documented.
Reduction of existing environmental impacts
We determine and evaluate the environmental aspects of our business activities on a regular basis. Emissions, waste and resource consumption are monitored, controlled and minimized as far as possible.
Involvement of Services and Suppliers
We take precautions to ensure that services on our premises are carried out in accordance with our environmental requirements. We ensure that our suppliers strive for environmental standards that are in line with our environmental policy.
Information and Communication
We provide our customers, the interested public and the responsible authorities with information about the environmental protection practiced to an appropriate extent. Our employees are systematically informed about the requirements, problems and results, and their comments are responded to individually.
Circular Economy
We very consistently recycle products that we have used to manufacture our products. We only use products that can be reused in the sense of the circular economy. We start with the construction of our products to optimize them for a long service life and thus use and thus a sensible use of resources.
Innovative products improve our lives and protect nature
Throughout our company's history, we have always innovated responsibly and based on sound science - with the aim of creating products that improve lives. This also includes products that can solve ecological problems.
Outlook - we are committed to keeping air and water 100% pure
We strive to keep air and water 100% pure, conserve energy resources and operate the best waste management. We only use raw materials and services that are also committed to this goal. We prefer a recycled resource to new ones and rely exclusively on the use of 100% renewable energies in production and administration.
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novotruck is electrically powered by Green Planet Energy at all locations.
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